Led by Art

A mate of mine - the lovely Gabriella Havens (Insta @GabiHavens) - did a pretty cool Instagram post a short while ago which inspired me to create an artistic post of my own. The results are below:

Led by the art

Led by the art

I put this together using a combination of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, and it literally defines me being led by art. I’m not the most natural of illustrators, but I am a sucker for a good bit of artwork! This will explain why I have visited the Saatchi Gallery so many times!

Let me know your thoughts on this piece, or simply visit my Instagram here!


Via Hoxton Streets - Part 1

It has been a busy Tuesday - one straight after the Bank Holiday (which incidentally I had no time to “chill” on) - and I am sitting in Costa Coffee photo-editing, but realising I need to share with you these awesome shots I captured of friend, musician, and creative associate Jumee recently in Hoxton!

Jumee, Hoxton, London

Jumee, Hoxton, London

Someone walked past and joked: “who do you think you are…David Bailey??” as I crouched really low to capture this shot at the angle I have. I simply grinned and said, “maybe”. I want to be the best I can be in my fields of interest [graphic design and photography] and will do whatever it takes…

The feel I was looking for in these shots was very much ‘urban’ and that ‘I run the fashion on these blocks’ type of feel - interpret that as you may! I feel I have achieved it, but would love to know your thoughts!

I will be sure to drop more across my photography Instagram very soon; and a few on here of Aaron Anderson which I captured this very same day!

Jumee, Hoxton, London

Jumee, Hoxton, London

I always really enjoy working with these guys!

Happy Tuesday all :)


Notting Hill Mendrilla

Recently I had the honour of photographing friend and fashion stylist Reena Lakhani on the streets of Notting Hill - streets that are amongst some of my favourites ever! She’s photographed wearing a stunning bespoke hand-painted Mandali Mendrilla 2-piece!

Reena Lakhani in Mandali Mendrilla bespoke 2-piece attire

Reena Lakhani in Mandali Mendrilla bespoke 2-piece attire

Mandali Mendrilla has been established since 1995, creating luxury fashion pieces which are very environmentally conscious - being PETA approved and vegetarian!

Reena Lakhani in Mandali Mendrilla bespoke 2-piece attire

Reena Lakhani in Mandali Mendrilla bespoke 2-piece attire

I encourage you to follow her on her Instagram @mandalimendrilla and to explore the beautiful fashion for yourselves! You can also follow our model Reena Lakhani at @reenalakhani

Reena Lakhani in Mandali Mendrilla bespoke 2-piece attire, paired with ‘Labels Are Limitations’ AW18 hoodie

Reena Lakhani in Mandali Mendrilla bespoke 2-piece attire, paired with ‘Labels Are Limitations’ AW18 hoodie

Thanks for reading :)

London Fashion Week Festival 2018

For roughly the last five years, I have always had a strong desire to be at anything in relation to London Fashion Week (be it the five-day event or the weekend event). Typically, I have missed the events primarily due to not realising in time that they are happening. By the time I have realised, the event is either in process, or has fully passed.

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