For roughly the last five years, I have always had a strong desire to be at anything in relation to London Fashion Week (be it the five-day event or the weekend event). Typically, I have missed the events primarily due to not realising in time that they are happening. By the time I have realised, the event is either in process, or has fully passed.
Arriving at London Fashion Week Festival 2018, The Store Studios, Strand, London (central)
Well, not this season!
With my Mother at London Fashion Week Festival, The Store Studios, Strand, London (central)
This past Saturday (24.02.18); I attended London Fashion Week Festival 2018 alongside my mother who has always been one of my biggest and truest supporters when it comes to my own fashion brand – my ‘Labels Are Limitations’ brand – which I began in 2014 and prototyped two years prior to that! Furthermore, it has been a dream of hers to attend a fashion show as she never had prior to yesterday!
Markus Lupfer (right) at London Fashion Week Festival talking about the inception of his label
We had the pleasure of attending Fashion Designer Markus Lupfer's fifteen-minute talk, before heading straight to the front row of Nicola Formichetti’s Nicopanda fashion show where he showcased some of his latest designs. Please find below some of my favourite looks from his collection.
Post-runway show - I managed to check out several of the designers who had their clothing on show; with notable collections including Minki and Daniela Fargion. I bumped into Millie Mackintosh too (no selfie unfortunately). I took some photos of these favoured collections with my iPhone, so no doubt they may rock up on my Insta (@iamroyikoroha) at some point!
LFWF 2018 was an amazing event and I am delighted to AT LAST have attended after all these years. It was almost an entirely different world at this event, but one which I thoroughly enjoyed experiencing!
Thank you for reading! I am now going to fade out like this photo [below] and rest for the night zzz...
Conclusion to Nicopanda catwalk show, main runway inside The Store Studios, Strand, London