Led by Art

A mate of mine - the lovely Gabriella Havens (Insta @GabiHavens) - did a pretty cool Instagram post a short while ago which inspired me to create an artistic post of my own. The results are below:

Led by the art

Led by the art

I put this together using a combination of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, and it literally defines me being led by art. I’m not the most natural of illustrators, but I am a sucker for a good bit of artwork! This will explain why I have visited the Saatchi Gallery so many times!

Let me know your thoughts on this piece, or simply visit my Instagram here!


African Artwork Evening

Late September, I was commissioned by the Britain-Nigeria Educational Trust to photograph at their artists’ auction and drinks evening; held at Desso in Farringdon. The evening was spectacular, with many beautiful pieces of art selling at the auction.

Below are some of the shots I caught in a slideshow!

Illustration Series

Hi guys,

Happy New Year to all of you [who celebrate it]! Hope you have had an amazing start to the year!

As of mid-December; I started taking work for illustrations which I generally do in my spare time as to further bolster this side of my graphical design game!

Above are a selection I have done so far including two famous faces (Denzel Washington and Ianthe Cochrane (a model; formerly of Made In Chelsea)! Most were completed between Boxing Day and the New Year, but there are a few completed already this year!

I will be creating a special section under my ‘Graphical’ header soon to add each work individually.

Do enquire if you would like a drawing completed for a small fee.

Thank you for reading.


R.I.D Turns 4!

I was in the shower today and it suddenly caught be full in the face that Roy Ikoroha Design is 4 today! 4!!!!!!!

Where has the time gone guys?????!!!!!

It feels like yesterday I was deliberating over processing the registering of R.I.D and the direction I was going to take the business in! Fast-forward to today and I can happily say I have covered numerous graphical design and photographic projects - all challenging me in their own unique way.

Four years in the game - plus several years prior to this learning my craft - and I can confidently say I have learnt so much, whilst continuing to challenge myself as a creative on a daily basis! 

Do we call this a self-portrait hmmm?? Myself shot at home, at 35mm, with a Nikon DSLR.North London

Do we call this a self-portrait hmmm?? Myself shot at home, at 35mm, with a Nikon DSLR.

North London

To my past clients; thank you for doing business with me and for allowing me to be a part of your journey; with some of our latest nights being our greatest nights (I used a Drake line there). To future clients; let's make magic!

To my family and friends who have supported: your support has been undisputed and for that I say "thank you"!

To all: what do the next few years hold because I am very excited to find out!

Until our next blog; have a good day :)



So for a while, I really have wanted to create a smokey graphic to add to the collection of personal graphical prints I have created in the past - see Personal (including pre Roy Ikoroha Design).

Luckily after putting it off for a few weeks due to design commitments; I now had the time to sit down and get "Photoshopping" on the style of print I was after...


Sticking to my favourite colour combination of black and white - I have used a standard head & shoulders photo of myself to provide the subject for the smokey effect!

Guys, if you have a moment; I am really interested to know what your thoughts are on this?

I must state that this design is not currently planned for commercial means; and is not for any project/motive.