Led by Art

A mate of mine - the lovely Gabriella Havens (Insta @GabiHavens) - did a pretty cool Instagram post a short while ago which inspired me to create an artistic post of my own. The results are below:

Led by the art

Led by the art

I put this together using a combination of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, and it literally defines me being led by art. I’m not the most natural of illustrators, but I am a sucker for a good bit of artwork! This will explain why I have visited the Saatchi Gallery so many times!

Let me know your thoughts on this piece, or simply visit my Instagram here!


Illustration Series

Hi guys,

Happy New Year to all of you [who celebrate it]! Hope you have had an amazing start to the year!

As of mid-December; I started taking work for illustrations which I generally do in my spare time as to further bolster this side of my graphical design game!

Above are a selection I have done so far including two famous faces (Denzel Washington and Ianthe Cochrane (a model; formerly of Made In Chelsea)! Most were completed between Boxing Day and the New Year, but there are a few completed already this year!

I will be creating a special section under my ‘Graphical’ header soon to add each work individually.

Do enquire if you would like a drawing completed for a small fee.

Thank you for reading.