
It has been weird times has it not? If you cast your minds back to six-seven months ago, the idea of a lockdown seemed crazy! 2020 was meant to be THE best year ever…

We fast forward to June 2020 and we are in the midst of a lockdown (or coming out of one - depending on your stance!). I have been quite busy as of recent from a design arc, so have not spent as much time behind my Nikon lenses.

I have also been emotionally caught up in the news around Black Lives Matter; something which as a black man resonates really closely with me. Equality, not superiority on this front, is the goal. I ended up taking a very short break from socials as it has been a lot - especially when reading the negative comments in comments sections across social media…

This brings me to now - sat here on the dining table having returned from a serene walk to Stratford with my girlfriend having got behind my camera again. The walk allowed me to have a disconnect from the madness going on right now and restore my mind to one of calmness! Photo-editing helps, and is also one of my fave hobbies. That is what I sit doing now whilst writing this blog! I did not miss the chance of capturing some self-portraits in the process (that’ll be saved for my Insta)! If you know me well, then you will know the latter is not surprising!


I miss the normal, but at the same time, I am not uncomfortable with a new normal…in fact, I am trying to embrace it! Perhaps 2020 is the year of pivoting…

Thanks for reading, and do not forget… we are in this together!


Curving in Dalston

Yesterday afternoon, I visited the Dalston Eastern Curve Gardens (a cafe with great gardens) near Dalston Junction tube station and caught this unfiltered shot whilst waiting for a friend:

Dalston Eastern Curve Gardens, Dalston, London

Dalston Eastern Curve Gardens, Dalston, London

The grey building in the far distance looks as if it has been 'photoshopped' in or generated using architectural software Revit/Rhinoceros 3D (takes me back to my university days!). Quite cool!