
It has been weird times has it not? If you cast your minds back to six-seven months ago, the idea of a lockdown seemed crazy! 2020 was meant to be THE best year ever…

We fast forward to June 2020 and we are in the midst of a lockdown (or coming out of one - depending on your stance!). I have been quite busy as of recent from a design arc, so have not spent as much time behind my Nikon lenses.

I have also been emotionally caught up in the news around Black Lives Matter; something which as a black man resonates really closely with me. Equality, not superiority on this front, is the goal. I ended up taking a very short break from socials as it has been a lot - especially when reading the negative comments in comments sections across social media…

This brings me to now - sat here on the dining table having returned from a serene walk to Stratford with my girlfriend having got behind my camera again. The walk allowed me to have a disconnect from the madness going on right now and restore my mind to one of calmness! Photo-editing helps, and is also one of my fave hobbies. That is what I sit doing now whilst writing this blog! I did not miss the chance of capturing some self-portraits in the process (that’ll be saved for my Insta)! If you know me well, then you will know the latter is not surprising!


I miss the normal, but at the same time, I am not uncomfortable with a new normal…in fact, I am trying to embrace it! Perhaps 2020 is the year of pivoting…

Thanks for reading, and do not forget… we are in this together!