Plating Up with Best Of Hungary in Belgravia

One day late in August, I had the honour of being invited to do some photography in early September on a Monday evening for Best Of Hungary. Even more cool still was that this event was taking place at the Hungarian Embassy in Belgravia!

Best Of Hungary’s event was a dinner and an awards evening which paid homage to some of the best Hungarian cuisine on offer, with many scrumptious dishes being plated up on the night!

Below are some of my favourite shots captured on the day (02.09.19)

Best Of Hungary, Hungarian Embassy, London

Best Of Hungary, Hungarian Embassy, London

Best Of Hungary, Hungarian Embassy, London

Best Of Hungary, Hungarian Embassy, London

If you would like to see more shots, do not hesitate to get in touch :)

Kate at 50mm

I had the pleasure of assisting my local primary school out with their IT, and was lucky enough to be requested to take photos of their childrens' graduation event.


Most photos are for internal use and have been distributed in-house to the relevant heads of school, but I am happy to share this photo of one of the invited governors Kate - taken at 50mm on my Nikon prime lens. 

Let me know what you think of this shot. Others may pop up on both @r_ikoroha_photography and/or @iamroyikoroha (both Instagram handles)

Cheers for touching base!